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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the idea of being fully and completely present and engaged in the moment.

When we are mindful, we acknowledge and accept our thoughts when they arise, but we do not let them control us. We let them come and go as they please, as we are more than our thoughts.


Researchers have reviewed over 200 mindfulness-based studied through numerous meta-analyses and have found that mindfulness-based therapy was especially effective for reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Mindfulness can help treat other problems including pain, smoking and addiction, and can also boost the immune system. 




The 2021 study “Conscious dance: Perceived benefits and psychological well-being of participants”, conscious, free-flowing dance produced positive mental health benefits amongst participants based on a survey of 1,000 dancers across the world that had anxiety, depression and history of trauma.


Dance has also been shown to improve self-esteem, increases endorphins and enhance socialisation in addition to other numerous physical and mental benefits.


Posidance uses the elements of mindfulness - focused attention and open awareness - within its improvisation prompts and activities in order to build awareness of, and improve upon, our capabilities and with kindness and exploration. It is only through accepting and loving where we are at in our journeys that we begin to see growth.

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